Our next Business & Beer meetup will be on September 12 when we return to Torrance’s newest microbrewery tasting room at Smog City Brewing. Smog City is located at 1901 Del Amo Boulevard, which is about a block west of Western Avenue. If you have not visited Smog City yet, you are in for a treat. Every week they have something new and it seems like they always have at least eight (8) different styles of beer available with everything from pilsners to IPA’s to porters and stouts. As they are a microbrewery they do not sell food but they do have food trucks sometimes and you are welcome to bring food in. We hope to see you there and feel free to invite your friends.
One of the Business & Beer regulars, Denise Dumars, is holding a Rev. Dee’s Pop-Up New Orleans-style Botanica and Art Show on Saturday August 17. You can shop, learn about New Orleans and Latin American magic traditions all while enjoying some free food, drink and music! Word is she will even have some New Orleans beer there. You can get more information at her Facebook event page. You can find all the photos from our Business & Beer at The Brewery at Abigaile on CraftBeerGuy.com
Please join us for Business & Beer a small business networking event which will be held at Monkish Brewing Co. on October 10, 2013 at 6 PM. Monkish Brewing Co. is located at 20311 South Western Avenue Torrance, California. Please RSVP by commenting below that you will be there.
Join us at Monkish Brewing Co at 6 PM on October 10, 2013
Last Thursday, July 11, we began our new format at Business & Beer, changing from weekly networking events to once a month; holding our meetups on the second Thursday of each month. Last week we met at Strand Brewing Company in Torrance and if the turnout is any indicator of what the future holds, meeting once a month is definitely going to work. While the last few Business & Beer gatherings were rather dismal in attendance, last week we not only had several returnees that we have not seen in a while, but we had two new guests. It was good to see everyone introducing themselves to people they did not know; one of our first time guests told me she was impressed with how friendly and open everyone was sorry she had not learned of us sooner.
Our next Business & Beer is scheduled for August 8 at The Brewery at Abigaile; a brewpub located at 1301 Manhattan Ave, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254. Head Brewer, Brian Brewer, always has five wonderful beers going, ranging from blondes to porters. Business & Beer regulars know that I have a particular affinity for hoppy brews and Brian has definitely had some that I loved, but I recently visited Abigaile and it seems he is experimenting more with malts to give some real balance to the brews. In addition to great beers, they have some very good food.
The Brewery at Abigaile is the only brewpub on the Business & Beer schedule and there is a good reason for that. If you have been there, you know why; if you have not, you are in for a treat. As a note, since we are having fewer meetings there will be fewer newsletters going out, so if you want to stay current liking us on Facebook is one of the best methods. Continue reading
In the past year we had 47 Business & Beer gatherings at 12 different microbreweries, brewpubs and gastropubs with groups as large as 25 and as small as 4-5; with the last few gatherings being smaller than normal. While we acknowledge that sometimes smaller is better, we have come to the conclusion that trying to have these meetings on a weekly basis is too much for most people to participate in. Currently, five of the locations we visit brew beer onsite and there is another opening within the next two or three months. We have decided that we will meet once a month and we are going to limit our gatherings to microbreweries and brewpubs; in other words, only where they actually brew their own beer. With the growth we will be seeing in the South Bay, this means we will visit our host brewers a maximum of twice a year. It is our hope that with the new format of once a month we can build our numbers back up to double-digits. We have notified and thanked all the gastropubs of our new format and we really appreciate their hospitality; we also encourage you to remember them when looking for a dining experience that includes a great craft beer selection. Continue reading
I apologize for the late notice but our Business & Beer gathering scheduled for Thursday, June 27 has been canceled. This is due to circumstances beyond my control.